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Parma’s Gold: Discovering Parmigiano Reggiano

Duration: 5 hours

Some of the most fascinating travels are not done just through space but also time. Life stories and traditions that could capture and move you.
To be certain it would be true about Parmigiano Reggiano. Its unique flavour is a journey to golden fields and artisanal realities where craftsmanship is the only rule.


  • The experience will start in the early morning with a guided visit to a Parmigiano Reggiano dairy. You will see the steps that everyday turn milk into this renown cheese. Take a look at the barn where the cows are carefully looked after. Enjoy a tasting of a vertical of Parmigiano Reggiano and depending on the day’s availability of ricotta and caciotta cheese.
  • The morning activities will close with a guided tour of Torrechiara’s medieval castle.


Price per person: € 75,00 (2 people minimum).

Included in the price: entrances and guided tours of the dairy and castle, cheese tasting and health insurance.